- Contentproductie
The vision of 24 digital marketers for 2024

Versnel je groei in 2024 dankzij deze digitale inzichten
We vroegen 24 digitale experts om een blik te werpen op 2024. Wat zijn volgens hen de belangrijkste digitale trends en waar zou jouw merk op moeten inspelen?
In deze whitepaper vind je hun visie, verwachtingen en concrete tips. Van verdere digitale transformatie, data, contentmarketing en marketingautomatisering tot social selling en videomarketing. Geef je groei een boost voor het komende jaar met deze whitepaper.
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Rik Lagey
Companies increasingly recognized the value of their employees as brand ambassadors and invested in tools and platforms to support this advocacy.
Sjoerd De Kreij
The future is an exciting blend of technology and human initiative, paving the way for greater achievements in communication, connection, and conversion.
Dorien Aerts
For a marketer it’s crucial to understand and reflect on what shifts generative AI brings to the market and the specific industry you’re working in.
Greet Dekocker
asbl BeCommerce
We’re looking at a real tsunami of legislations coming into force on all business levels, be it B2C or B2B, regardless of whether you’re acting online or offline.
Dominic Heselmans
SmartData Agency
Content is one of the weakest links in the marketing chain
BUT when done right it is THE engine of a sales organization.
Gerben De Moor
Do we want to dance to the tunes of search engines and nod along every time? Perhaps not, but we will have to.
Kel Wouters
So Buzzy
Co-creation will become the norm, and we’ll go from premium quality production to realistic, less polished content.
Kristof Duran
In a B2B environment where qualitative content is key, we will need to establish 'human' as a quality label.
Versnel je groei in 2024.
- Inzichten van 24 digitale experten
- 47 concrete tips die je kan toepassen
- Thema’s rond: data, contentmarketing, videomarketing, customer experience, social selling, customer journeys, personalisatie, …
- 63 pagina’s vol groeiversnellers
- 4 podcasts met 4 topmarketeers
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