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The vision of 23 digital marketers for 2023.

Versnel je groei in 2023 dankzij deze digitale inzichten
We lieten 23 digitale experten naar 2023 kijken. Wat worden de belangrijkste digitale trends? Waar kan/moet je als merk op inzetten? Je leest in deze whitepaper wat hun visie is, wat zij verwachten en welke concrete tips zij met jou delen. Van meer digitale transformatie, data, contentmarketing en marketing automation tot meer social selling en videomarketing. Versnel je groei voor volgend jaar dankzij deze whitepaper.
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Kristof Duran
SD Worx
Aligning marketing strategy with sales strategy and installing profound alliances and processes for working together is crucial to the success of B2B marketing.
Vanessa Theunissen
We know that data has become the new oil, and any business not harnessing the power of its own data in its decision-making processes will simply not survive.
Tom Peeters.
Quality combined with creativity has become more critical than ever.
Kirsten Jassies
To become good at creating, you should start to experiment with short form video right now. Experimenting is the only way because there is no right or wrong (yet)!
Maarten De Neve
Brands that become emphatic in 2023 by providing the right (often non-commercial) value to users will lead the quest for brand love.
Marnick Vandebroek
Stand Up Company
Take responsibility as a leader to guide your team through 2023, and really lead instead of managing.
Clo Willaerts.
Karel de Grote Hogeschool
Innovation means exploiting new technology and thinking out-of-the-box to create new value and, while we're at it, make significant changes in society.
Pieter Verschueren
Companies that are now working on demand generation are ahead of their competitors. If you are not already doing it, 2023 is absolutely the year to start
Versnel je groei in 2023.
- Inzichten van 23 digitale experten
- 46 concrete tips die je kan toepassen
- Thema’s rond oa: data, contentmarketing, videomarketing, customer experience, social selling, customer journeys, personalisatie, …
- 62 pagina’s vol met groeiversnellers
- 4 podcasts met 8 topmarketeers
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