- Contentproductie
The vision of 25 digital marketers for 2025
Versnel je groei in 2025 dankzij deze digitale inzichten
We vroegen 25 digitale experts om een blik te werpen op 2025. Wat zijn volgens hen de belangrijkste digitale trends en waar zou jouw merk op moeten inspelen?
In deze whitepaper vind je hun visie, verwachtingen en concrete tips. Van verdere digitale transformatie, AI, data, contentmarketing en marketingautomatisering tot social selling en videomarketing. Geef je groei een boost voor het komende jaar met deze whitepaper.
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Ilse Lambrechts
Zespri International
It's essential
to combine digital tools with a human touch. Leveraging
“realness” via e.g. emotions, traditions, and authentic
connections will be key to success
Adriaan Dekker
Google Ads Specialist
Those who embrace the changes and
learn how to work alongside AI will stay ahead of the curve
and remain successful.
Jan Caerels
Every search engine
(or AI agent) focuses
on quality and brand
Tamara Gielen
Understanding how to work alongside AI will be as
fundamental as knowing how to use a computer is today.
Sascha Vanderborght
Brands need to
recognise where they fit within people’s lives
Clo Willaerts
KdG University
The human touch becomes even
more valuable in a world flooded
with AI-generated material.
Gerben De Moor
Offer something
valuable without
expecting anything
in return.
Anita Dierickx
Today's talent is looking for
more than just a paycheck
– they want culture, values,
and real experiences.
Versnel je groei in 2025.
- Inzichten van 25 digitale experten
- 50 concrete tips die je kan toepassen
- Thema’s rond: AI, data, contentmarketing, videomarketing, customer experience, social selling, customer journeys, personalisatie, …
- 65 pagina’s vol groeiversnellers
- 4 podcasts met 4 topmarketeers
Discover more
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