- Content Production
In de kijker:
The vision of 25 digital marketers for 2025
We asked 25 digital experts to look ahead to 2025. What do they see as the key digital trends, and how should your brand respond? In this whitepaper, you’ll find their vision, expectations, and practical tips. From further digital transformation, data, content marketing, and marketing automation to social selling and video marketing. Boost your growth …
Wouter Dieleman - Account Based Marketing
Wouter Dielemans has years of experience as an Inbound Marketeer and is a true specialist in Account Based Marketing tactics. In this podcast he talks frankly about strategies that work well and warns for common pitfalls companies struggle with leading up to a succesful Account Based Marketing approach.
What is Content Chaos? And how do I avoid it?
Discover with this e-book how to start creating content as a business. With the help of hands-on tips, and do’s and don’ts, you will start creating excellent content and avoid content chaos. In this e-book you will learn to overcome 6 challenges: How do I build an excellent content team? How do I validate my …
Driving Business Growth through Account Based Marketing
Account-Based Marketing executes targeted marketing campaigns on pre-selected accounts, typically large accounts. You identify and determine which accounts to target to convert a lead. Then design highly specific, targeted marketing campaigns based on the needs of the accounts. After reading this white paper, you will understand: What is Account-Based Marketing? The benefits of ABM The …
Create podcast - Marie-Hélène Dibenedetto
In this episode I have a chat with Marie-Hélène Dibenedetto, founder and creative director at Moondust. The agency has many food, FMCG and lifestyle clients, for whom the visual aspect is an important part of the brand. Hence, Imaging, motion, photography, styling and design is what our talk is all about.
Content Creation Congress - Hans Van Dam
Create is an online conference for content creators, and in the run-up we are bringing a number of podcast episodes online. Today we talk with Hans Van Dam, founder of the Conversation Design Intitute, helping people and organisations to automate customer service via chatbots, to build powerful virtual assistants and emphasize in-app engagement for customers. …
Create Podcast - Tom Rumes
Prior to his participation as speaker on the Create event, I spoke with Tom Rumes, author and lector audio-visual communication at Thomas More, about storytelling, the building blocks of good storties, multi-, cross- and trans media and how storties might evolve in the metaverse.
Webinar (archief)
SEO Copywriting Campus Session 3 - Beyond the keyword
Session 3 – Beyond the keyword What will you learn? Rich results (rich snippets & structured data) Metadata Focus on intention and building relationships between your different topics (content clustering) How do you use images to rank better in Google? Google’s evolution in ranking The power of data About the teacher: Gerben has multiple years …
Successfully implement chatbots for your business
Chatbots are a growing technological factor in the marketing and service landscape. They are increasingly appearing in web pages, apps, voice support technology and social media. The possibilities of these chatbots are almost endless. But how do you successfully implement them for your business? Discover it in this white paper. After reading this white paper, …
How to start with online B2B lead generation?
Generating online leads is crucial for the growth of your business. But how do you tackle this? How do you attract the right leads? Discover in this white paper how you can generate high-quality B2B leads online. After reading this white paper, you will understand: Different types of leads and the CHAMP-process Why content is …
How to make your marketing more effective by getting a good understanding of thought processes, and what goes on in the mind of a potential customer as they read your message, view your ad or browse your website. We talked about all that with Maarten de Munnik, adman and author of “Koopknop, het geheim van …
Digital change
We discuss digital change with Renaud de Lombaert. We touch on his personal mission to guide digital change and to fire people up about exploring new possibilities and challenges. We also talk about the natural and human resistance to the unknown; and why we Belgians aren’t exactly famous for being early adopters. On top of …
Contentmarketing trends
Tom Peeters, founder of Mediaforta, is our guest for a conversation about content marketing trends and tendencies in 2021. We covered a range of topics, including: Covid’s ongoing influence Listening to customers Fake news Everyone’s a publisher Snackable content Engagement Content robots Our conversation closes with Tom sharing with us his top priorities for 2021.
How can you leverage your fan base for your marketing, and encourage customers and employees to express their brand love? Rik Lagey of Ambassify tells us how to go about it. In this conversation, Rik explains what ambassador marketing is, and how it differs substantially from what influencers do. The nuts and bolts of how …
Performance in marketing
We host a conversation with Frederik Defyn from ‘Jouw Marketing Medewerker’ on the importance of results and ROI in marketing. In a wide-ranging discussion, Frederik makes it clear that result is not always a purely financial parameter, and that it has everything to do with a good understanding of the customer journey your target audience …
14 redenen waarom jouw contentmarketing niet werkt
Wanneer je als merk inzet op digitale contentmarketing, dan kunnen er veel redenen zijn waarom de resultaten eerder zwak zijn. Heb je weinig of zwakke leads, weinig bezoekers, weinig clicks? We sommen in deze whitepaper 14 redenen op waardoor het fout kan lopen en geven tips hoe je dit kan vermijden. Na het lezen van …
Heb ik een blog nodig in Wordpress?
Het bouwen van goede blogs is een specialisatie op zich. In de praktijk zien we dat heel wat bedrijven hun blog op hetzelfde moment laten maken als hun website. Het web agency krijgt de opdracht een blog te bouwen. We krijgen vaak mooie websites te zien, in combinatie met zwak ontworpen blogs. Nochtans is een …
Successfully strengthen the customer journey in B2B with content
Jouw strategisch plan is gebaseerd op goed uitgewerkte buyer personas met een al even goed uitgewerkte customer journey. Daarop bouw je je inhoud, die je op de juiste manier en op het juiste moment verspreidt. Dit geldt zowel voor B2B als B2C, maar beiden hebben een ander doel. Daarom plaats je ook verschillende accenten. In …
Webinar (archief)
SEO Copywriting Campus Session 2 - Keywords
Session 2 – Keywords What will you learn? How to conduct a keyword research How to process keywords in your texts Do’s and don’ts Finding a balance between findability and readability Bringing a SEO friendly structure to your text About the teacher: Gerben has multiple years of experience in the field of SEO and Content …
Webinar (archief)
SEO Copywriting Campus Session - The Fundamentals
Session 1 – The Fundamentals What will you learn? How does a search engine work? What does Google take into account for your ranking and what is important? How do people search and what do they do with the search results? Know your goal and your target audience What about your style, tone of voice …
Webinar (archief)
Making marketing great again
Rory is the Vice Chairman of Ogilvy, an attractively vague job title which has allowed him to co-found a behavioral science practice within the agency. He works with a consulting practice of psychology graduates who look for ‘unseen opportunities’ in consumer behaviour – these are the often small contextual changes which can have enormous effects …
Webinar (archief)
How to make impactful content for B2B companies
In addition to being a father to five children, Tom is an expert in digital content marketing and the founder of Mediaforta – a digital content marketing agency, active in different countries, which helps brands and editors to create digital content. Through Mediaforta, Tom’s mission is to help companies create outstanding digital content and integrate …
Webinar (archief)
From Social Selling to ABM: 10 High-Performance B2B Social Media Tactics to Grow Revenue
With a core focus on LinkedIn, Social media has increasingly been used as a core tactic for B2B lead generation these last few years. However CMOs and marketing teams need to take a wider, data- and tool-based approach focused on pipeline marketing. Philippe will share benchmarks, tools, tactics and tips to help you develop a more integrated …
Webinar (archief)
Authentic content marketing: why the who is more important than the what
Passionate about the future of marketing, Karolien is leading the SAP Belux marketing team since 2019. With the customer in control, it was time to turn the wheel at SAP. Both Sales and Marketing have to embrace social intelligence work together in the digital space, create relevant content, and advocate the brand across customers, stakeholders …
Webinar (archief)
Boost Your Content With Impact
Katja is currently the Communication Director at Air Liquide for Northern Europe and CIS countries, having already held several international management positions at multinationals such as Microsoft and Stork. She is a marketer at heart whose passion lies in supporting businesses in various industrial sectors in order to increase their visibility and boost their brand. Content is always at the heart of this. …
Webinar (archief)
How to start using online personalization in B2B: best practices, examples and useful tips on technologies
Elias loves marketing and entrepreneurship. Being Dutch from origin, he’s worked with companies including KPN, XS4ALL and RAM Mobile Data in several marketing and sales leadership roles, both in Europe and the US. He set-up and managed offices in Atlanta, GA and Frankfurt (Germany). CMO’s come to Elias for 3 reasons: more revenue, more brand …
Webinar (archief)
The 4 fundamentals for great videomarketing
Filmmaker, founder of Belgian Video Creators and owner of Conci. Originally studied to become a computer scientist but life gave him another destination. When winning an international film competition in 2011 during his study exchange in Vienna he realized that professional happiness can only be achieved when you follow your true passion. After graduating from …
Webinar (archief)
Build your personal brand on LinkedIn
I’m in love with nature and I have a passion for discoveries. I love to read, create and learn. I’m the mother of 2 young children who teach me every day what patience is for me who like everything to go fast. Passionate about personal and corporate branding, I’m helping brand to develop their image …
Webinar (archief)
Enabling B2B Content Marketing at Scale
Niels is a Manager within Deloitte Digital Belgium. As digital marketing expert, he advises clients in their journey to further digitize and optimize their marketing organizations, processes and technologies. In order to bring out the best human experience possible. Specialized in B2B marketing, Marketing Automation and related marketing technologies, Niels acts as a strategist & …
Webinar (archief)
20 ways for companies to be more engaging on LinkedIn
Super Connector – LinkedIn trainer & B2B marketing specialist By researching and applying tactics for engaging content Jenny: Increased her LinkedIn network from 1500 to 6000+ meaningful connections in 2 years, getting more than half a million views on my posts, with weekly requests for proposals. Grew the Freelancers in Belgium community from 250 to …
Krijg meer inzichten in digitale marketing via onze webinars.
Recent webinars
Webinar (archief)
SEO Copywriting Campus Session 3 - Beyond the keyword
Session 3 – Beyond the keyword What will you learn? Rich results (rich snippets & structured data) Metadata Focus on intention and building relationships between your different topics (content clustering) How do you use images to rank better in Google? Google’s evolution in ranking The power of data About the teacher: Gerben has multiple years …
Webinar (archief)
SEO Copywriting Campus Session 2 - Keywords
Session 2 – Keywords What will you learn? How to conduct a keyword research How to process keywords in your texts Do’s and don’ts Finding a balance between findability and readability Bringing a SEO friendly structure to your text About the teacher: Gerben has multiple years of experience in the field of SEO and Content …
Webinar (archief)
SEO Copywriting Campus Session - The Fundamentals
Session 1 – The Fundamentals What will you learn? How does a search engine work? What does Google take into account for your ranking and what is important? How do people search and what do they do with the search results? Know your goal and your target audience What about your style, tone of voice …
Webinar (archief)
Making marketing great again
Rory is the Vice Chairman of Ogilvy, an attractively vague job title which has allowed him to co-found a behavioral science practice within the agency. He works with a consulting practice of psychology graduates who look for ‘unseen opportunities’ in consumer behaviour – these are the often small contextual changes which can have enormous effects …
Webinar (archief)
How to make impactful content for B2B companies
In addition to being a father to five children, Tom is an expert in digital content marketing and the founder of Mediaforta – a digital content marketing agency, active in different countries, which helps brands and editors to create digital content. Through Mediaforta, Tom’s mission is to help companies create outstanding digital content and integrate …
Webinar (archief)
From Social Selling to ABM: 10 High-Performance B2B Social Media Tactics to Grow Revenue
With a core focus on LinkedIn, Social media has increasingly been used as a core tactic for B2B lead generation these last few years. However CMOs and marketing teams need to take a wider, data- and tool-based approach focused on pipeline marketing. Philippe will share benchmarks, tools, tactics and tips to help you develop a more integrated …
Webinar (archief)
Authentic content marketing: why the who is more important than the what
Passionate about the future of marketing, Karolien is leading the SAP Belux marketing team since 2019. With the customer in control, it was time to turn the wheel at SAP. Both Sales and Marketing have to embrace social intelligence work together in the digital space, create relevant content, and advocate the brand across customers, stakeholders …
Webinar (archief)
Boost Your Content With Impact
Katja is currently the Communication Director at Air Liquide for Northern Europe and CIS countries, having already held several international management positions at multinationals such as Microsoft and Stork. She is a marketer at heart whose passion lies in supporting businesses in various industrial sectors in order to increase their visibility and boost their brand. Content is always at the heart of this. …
Webinar (archief)
How to start using online personalization in B2B: best practices, examples and useful tips on technologies
Elias loves marketing and entrepreneurship. Being Dutch from origin, he’s worked with companies including KPN, XS4ALL and RAM Mobile Data in several marketing and sales leadership roles, both in Europe and the US. He set-up and managed offices in Atlanta, GA and Frankfurt (Germany). CMO’s come to Elias for 3 reasons: more revenue, more brand …
Webinar (archief)
The 4 fundamentals for great videomarketing
Filmmaker, founder of Belgian Video Creators and owner of Conci. Originally studied to become a computer scientist but life gave him another destination. When winning an international film competition in 2011 during his study exchange in Vienna he realized that professional happiness can only be achieved when you follow your true passion. After graduating from …
Webinar (archief)
Build your personal brand on LinkedIn
I’m in love with nature and I have a passion for discoveries. I love to read, create and learn. I’m the mother of 2 young children who teach me every day what patience is for me who like everything to go fast. Passionate about personal and corporate branding, I’m helping brand to develop their image …
Webinar (archief)
Enabling B2B Content Marketing at Scale
Niels is a Manager within Deloitte Digital Belgium. As digital marketing expert, he advises clients in their journey to further digitize and optimize their marketing organizations, processes and technologies. In order to bring out the best human experience possible. Specialized in B2B marketing, Marketing Automation and related marketing technologies, Niels acts as a strategist & …
Webinar (archief)
20 ways for companies to be more engaging on LinkedIn
Super Connector – LinkedIn trainer & B2B marketing specialist By researching and applying tactics for engaging content Jenny: Increased her LinkedIn network from 1500 to 6000+ meaningful connections in 2 years, getting more than half a million views on my posts, with weekly requests for proposals. Grew the Freelancers in Belgium community from 250 to …
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Contacteer ons -
The vision of 25 digital marketers for 2025
We asked 25 digital experts to look ahead to 2025. What do they see as the key digital trends, and how should your brand respond? In this whitepaper, you’ll find their vision, expectations, and practical tips. From further digital transformation, data, content marketing, and marketing automation to social selling and video marketing. Boost your growth …
What is Content Chaos? And how do I avoid it?
Discover with this e-book how to start creating content as a business. With the help of hands-on tips, and do’s and don’ts, you will start creating excellent content and avoid content chaos. In this e-book you will learn to overcome 6 challenges: How do I build an excellent content team? How do I validate my …
Driving Business Growth through Account Based Marketing
Account-Based Marketing executes targeted marketing campaigns on pre-selected accounts, typically large accounts. You identify and determine which accounts to target to convert a lead. Then design highly specific, targeted marketing campaigns based on the needs of the accounts. After reading this white paper, you will understand: What is Account-Based Marketing? The benefits of ABM The …
Successfully implement chatbots for your business
Chatbots are a growing technological factor in the marketing and service landscape. They are increasingly appearing in web pages, apps, voice support technology and social media. The possibilities of these chatbots are almost endless. But how do you successfully implement them for your business? Discover it in this white paper. After reading this white paper, …
How to start with online B2B lead generation?
Generating online leads is crucial for the growth of your business. But how do you tackle this? How do you attract the right leads? Discover in this white paper how you can generate high-quality B2B leads online. After reading this white paper, you will understand: Different types of leads and the CHAMP-process Why content is …
Video marketing for B2B brands
In recent years, video marketing has been gaining in importance and impact. This is partly due to the success of social media (which makes it easier to distribute videos) and smartphones (which make it easier to consume videos quickly). A 2020 study by Limelight’s State of Online Video shows that on average, we watch almost …
14 redenen waarom jouw contentmarketing niet werkt
Wanneer je als merk inzet op digitale contentmarketing, dan kunnen er veel redenen zijn waarom de resultaten eerder zwak zijn. Heb je weinig of zwakke leads, weinig bezoekers, weinig clicks? We sommen in deze whitepaper 14 redenen op waardoor het fout kan lopen en geven tips hoe je dit kan vermijden. Na het lezen van …
Heb ik een blog nodig in Wordpress?
Het bouwen van goede blogs is een specialisatie op zich. In de praktijk zien we dat heel wat bedrijven hun blog op hetzelfde moment laten maken als hun website. Het web agency krijgt de opdracht een blog te bouwen. We krijgen vaak mooie websites te zien, in combinatie met zwak ontworpen blogs. Nochtans is een …
Successfully strengthen the customer journey in B2B with content
Jouw strategisch plan is gebaseerd op goed uitgewerkte buyer personas met een al even goed uitgewerkte customer journey. Daarop bouw je je inhoud, die je op de juiste manier en op het juiste moment verspreidt. Dit geldt zowel voor B2B als B2C, maar beiden hebben een ander doel. Daarom plaats je ook verschillende accenten. In …
Wouter Dieleman - Account Based Marketing
Wouter Dielemans has years of experience as an Inbound Marketeer and is a true specialist in Account Based Marketing tactics. In this podcast he talks frankly about strategies that work well and warns for common pitfalls companies struggle with leading up to a succesful Account Based Marketing approach.
Create podcast - Marie-Hélène Dibenedetto
In this episode I have a chat with Marie-Hélène Dibenedetto, founder and creative director at Moondust. The agency has many food, FMCG and lifestyle clients, for whom the visual aspect is an important part of the brand. Hence, Imaging, motion, photography, styling and design is what our talk is all about.
Content Creation Congress - Hans Van Dam
Create is an online conference for content creators, and in the run-up we are bringing a number of podcast episodes online. Today we talk with Hans Van Dam, founder of the Conversation Design Intitute, helping people and organisations to automate customer service via chatbots, to build powerful virtual assistants and emphasize in-app engagement for customers. …
Create Podcast - Tom Rumes
Prior to his participation as speaker on the Create event, I spoke with Tom Rumes, author and lector audio-visual communication at Thomas More, about storytelling, the building blocks of good storties, multi-, cross- and trans media and how storties might evolve in the metaverse.
How to make your marketing more effective by getting a good understanding of thought processes, and what goes on in the mind of a potential customer as they read your message, view your ad or browse your website. We talked about all that with Maarten de Munnik, adman and author of “Koopknop, het geheim van …
Digital change
We discuss digital change with Renaud de Lombaert. We touch on his personal mission to guide digital change and to fire people up about exploring new possibilities and challenges. We also talk about the natural and human resistance to the unknown; and why we Belgians aren’t exactly famous for being early adopters. On top of …
Contentmarketing trends
Tom Peeters, founder of Mediaforta, is our guest for a conversation about content marketing trends and tendencies in 2021. We covered a range of topics, including: Covid’s ongoing influence Listening to customers Fake news Everyone’s a publisher Snackable content Engagement Content robots Our conversation closes with Tom sharing with us his top priorities for 2021.
How can you leverage your fan base for your marketing, and encourage customers and employees to express their brand love? Rik Lagey of Ambassify tells us how to go about it. In this conversation, Rik explains what ambassador marketing is, and how it differs substantially from what influencers do. The nuts and bolts of how …
Performance in marketing
We host a conversation with Frederik Defyn from ‘Jouw Marketing Medewerker’ on the importance of results and ROI in marketing. In a wide-ranging discussion, Frederik makes it clear that result is not always a purely financial parameter, and that it has everything to do with a good understanding of the customer journey your target audience …