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ChatGPT: the copywriter’s creative partner-in-crime
Wim Van Rompuy - Schrijfdokter
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In the wild, you might spot Wim Van Rompuy (1963) as the Schrijfdokter®. At the office, he wears the hat of the quality controller and manager of the text agency Schrijf.be copy & content. He’s been a copywriter and writing trainer for 23 years, with another 13 years in marketing and sales. On CheatGPT.ai he dissects the impact of AI on everything text-related. Fun fact: Wim has a degree in pharmacy (but suffered no permanent damage as a result).
In the shower. That’s where I get my ideas. What about you? Staring out of the train window or scrolling through social media?
In a brainstorm session or with a mind map? Browsing your swipe file, or free-associating from your armchair? The fact is that just about anything can light your creative fuse. And the same applies to the AI chatbot.
Its ‘anything’ is the PROMPT you give it – your question or assignment. People like to say that ChatGPT can never be as creative as humans. I think it already is. Or rather: it could be, at least if we manage it creatively. Because ChatGPT is only as creative as your prompt. So this session steers clear of theoretical reflections, and instead gives you food for thought with some real-life examples.