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Why Mediaforta does not participate in pitches and why this is the best solution for everyone

In the world of content marketing, pitches are often seen as the norm: companies ask agencies to ‘compete’ for a project, hoping to find the best partner. However, as a content marketing agency, Mediaforta consciously chooses not to participate in pitches. In this blog, we explain why we make this choice and why it benefits both our clients and ourselves.

Poor experiences

When Mediaforta is invited to a pitch, alarm bells go off for us. We simply haven’t had good experiences with them. Think of clients who include us in a pitch but then refuse to pay for the work we do. We’ve also lost pitches without receiving a well-founded explanation for why we lost. This will resonate with many agencies. In this blog post, we deliberately steer clear of these negative experiences, but we aim to explain why we no longer participate in pitches. And why, ultimately, this is the best solution for all parties involved.

Our own strength

First and foremost, Mediaforta believes in its own strength. Our agency has been around for more than 15 years. We were among the pioneers of digital content marketing in Belgium and are proud to work for many esteemed national and international companies today.

Within our agency and our network of the world’s most specialized content creators, there is a wealth of experience and expertise. We know our job, we know the pitfalls, we have the references, and we have delivered many great results for our clients. These are all things clients can request or find on our website. We are also happy to present these during an introductory meeting. Based on all this information, a client can assess whether or not Mediaforta could be a good agency for them.

Conversation & dialogue

We do not believe that we can fully understand the project and the client based solely on a written pitch briefing. An open and extensive conversation at the start of the collaboration provides far more valuable insight for both us and the client. Does the project suit Mediaforta? Do we have the right expertise and knowledge? Is there a cultural match? Are the price expectations aligned? Such a conversation provides clarity for both parties.

Structural collaboration

We believe in structural collaborations, real partnerships. As an agency, we gradually get to understand the client and their challenges better. And ‘gradually’ is absolutely the right word. At the start of a collaboration, we always go through a learning curve as an agency. We need space to make mistakes. That way, we learn. What does the client appreciate, what not? What leads to results, what doesn’t? Ample space and dialogue are essential to achieving a good collaboration.


Understandably, the client does not want to make the wrong choice. Ultimately, the goal is to work together in the long term. Therefore, Mediaforta offers flexible forms of collaboration. For convenience, let’s call it a long or extensive pitch. This way, the client does not have to commit to Mediaforta right away. For instance, we strongly believe in co-creation, where we sit together with the client to achieve great results. This way, both the client and we, as an agency, get the space and opportunity to get to know each other better. Is there a cultural match? Do we meet the quality the client expects? Are there results? Are the prices affordable? These are all things the client and the agency only discover when a concrete collaboration is started.

We hope this blog post clarifies how we start a collaboration with our clients and why this is also the best solution for clients.

New clients with projects that align with our expertise and interests, and with whom there is also a cultural match, we would love to get to know better.

Are you also willing to consciously choose Mediaforta? Would you like to get to know us better? Then request an introductory meeting. We look forward to it 😊.

14 redenen waarom jouw contentmarketing niet werkt

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