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From Social Selling to ABM: 10 High-Performance B2B Social Media Tactics to Grow Revenue
Philippe Ruttens - B2B Marketing Coach at Ruttens.com
Herbekijk nuWith a core focus on LinkedIn, Social media has increasingly been used as a core tactic for B2B lead generation these last few years. However CMOs and marketing teams need to take a wider, data- and tool-based approach focused on pipeline marketing. Philippe will share benchmarks, tools, tactics and tips to help you develop a more integrated B2B social media focus along with a core set of KPIs and dashboard. A well-balanced mix of organic and paid, driven but insights and a solid, storytelling content plan will help you accelerate your leads & revenue growth in 2021.
Find out more from Philippe’s concrete advice and user cases how B2B marketeers can really generate client engagement and conversion, not just Likes and Shares.
B2B Marketing Perfomance Coach
International consultant & manager Philippe Ruttens coaches CMOs and helps B2B sales & marketing teams transform faster into ROI-driven revenue marketing centres of excellence. For the last 25 years he has been helping scale-ups, mid-market and enterprises to grow their leads revenue in 10+ sectors. Using his analytical and operational expertise developed at firms like Accenture, World Courier, EY, MasterCard and Iron Mountain, he combines his strategic demand generation vision and quick wins on campaigns & channels with a pragmatic, people- and data-focused approach to help teams achieve their commercial objectives faster. Find out more on www.ruttens.com