What exactly does a technical writer do?

Technical writing is a distinct profession, but what do technical writers actually do? How do they differ from an average copywriter? What skills must they possess to deliver high-quality technical content? In this article, you will learn more about the work of a technical writer.

1. What do they do?

As the name suggests, a technical writer creates clear instructions for complex technical subjects. Depending on their expertise, they specialize in writing manuals, articles, blog posts, whitepapers, and product descriptions. You can often find their work in the help section of a website. Their goal is to inform all users of a product as thoroughly as possible so that the product can be used optimally.

This is, however, a delicate balancing act because their content must be suitable for all target audiences, who often have diverse information needs. A technical writer needs to satisfy programmers, project teams, engineers, and the average consumer.

Additionally, they must collaborate closely with various experts to create accurate content. In some cases, a technical writer, due to their knowledge and skills, can even offer a unique perspective during the production process to improve the user experience.

Lastly, a technical writer conducts extensive research on both the company and the content. They then consolidate all the information to select the most appropriate content based on the information needs of the end user and the company.

2. What skills are needed for this?

Technical writers are masters in their field. Through their academic background or professional experience, they become specialists in professional domains such as science, computer science, engineering, or pharmaceuticals. In short, they have a deep understanding of their field.

However, expertise alone is not enough. A technical writer must also be a skilled writer and understand how to present complex content simply. This is an art in itself, especially when part of your audience does not have a technical background. For this reason, technical writers are in high demand among B2B and SaaS companies that deal with technical challenges daily.

At Mediaforta, excellent content is central. That’s why we work with the best technical writers, ensuring even the most difficult content is explained clearly and straightforwardly.

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